Friday, November 16, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part Two

I have a confession to make: I didn't read Twilight.  I know, I know-as a Teen Librarian I definitely should have read this.  It has always been on my to read list, but I just always skipped over it for other titles.  And because I always like to read the book before seeing the movie I have not seen any of the movies, until last night.  Thanks to a wonderful colleague, I was invited to see a preview showing of Breaking Dawn Part 2.  And I have to say, I enjoyed it.

The music and production was entertaining, with some humor and decent acting.  I have heard that the acting has improved immensely from the first movie.  I also have to say that the casting was quite entertaining as there were many very hunky characters at which to marvel. 

The story itself was not a masterpiece, but it certainly had me invested in the characters.  There wasn't a whole lot of action, in fact a lot of the movie seemed to be the characters just standing around, talking, and waiting.  As for the climax twist, I immediately said "That's a cop-out!"  I now know that the movie divurged from the book with this twist, though, and it makes me wonder what impact the books ending has.

All in all, I had fun seeing the movie, and I find it extremely interesting that I enjoyed it as much as I did having not read the books nor seen the other movies.  What did you think of the movie?