Strange things have been happening at the cabin; someone is getting into the house, without any evidence of a break in, and leaving odd things like a snake skin and a dead bird. Jay blames Mimi, but she has only just arrived and these things have been going on for some time. Who is Jay, and why is he living at Mimi’s father’s house? And who is leaving the odd little gifts, and what do they really want?
This is a well-written story packed with action and mystery; well, mystery for the characters, because the reader is told many of the plotlines long before the characters realize what is happening. It does switch from viewpoint to viewpoint, so it is easy to become lost if you are not paying attention. Although, the well-developed characters and setting, which becomes a character in its own right, will keep readers wanting to finish the book. Recommended for sophisticated readers, who like a good mystery.
Anne-Teen Librarian
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