Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins, is less than a month away and I know a lot of you can't wait to get it. I sure can't. However, I noticed that there aren't many holds on it by Dobbs Ferry patrons. Yet there are already more than 100 holds from other people in Westchester County. Which means that when the Dobbs Ferry copy comes in it will be going to other libraries to fill those holds.
Did you know that the way our holds system works is that the patrons from the library that owns the item get first dibs on those items regardless of when you place the hold. In other words, if you are the 300th person to place a hold on Mockingjay, but you are the only Dobbs Ferry patron to have a hold on it, you will get the book!
So put a hold on Mockingjay so you get a chance to get the book.